Monday, September 10, 2012

Ballerina Bun


Let's talk about buns! Not the edible kind or the kind some of us like to give little pinches on our husbands (or am I alone in that department?). I'm talking about the hairstyle that makes us all feel as graceful as a ballerina, or at least just look like one. True story, while working at SAKS, one day I was donning one of these buns and I had a sweet elderly lady ask me if I was a ballerina! And I don't think she was after my employee discount. It was one of the most memorable compliment I had ever recieved and I did twirls at my cash register for the rest of that day.

There is actually an art to buns. So, here are some videos of how to do 3 different types:

1.)This is my favorite! How to do a bun with socks...yes I did say socks. No typo there. Click here.

2.)A messy bun for those non-neat freaks. Click here.

3.)The sock bun with braids. Once you get the sock bun perfected why not add some intricacy with braids! Click here.




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