I'm grateful that there are brave men and women out there that are willing to protect our country, our liberty, and our lives. Afterall, not everyone can jump out of airplanes, trek for miles with 80 pound rucksacks, live in mysterious and dangerous countries for months at a time, and put themselves in harms' way. Those that do are real life heroes and I am very grateful that they exist. I am also profoundly grateful to the ones that aren't here today because of their courage to pay the ultimate sacrifice for this beautiful and wonderful country. I hope they know that they are much appreciated. I hope they know that tears were shed for them, that hearts are grateful to them, and minds were filled with thoughts of them. May we never take their sacrifice for granted by taking care of this country and doing our part to perpetuate the beauty, freedoms, and luxuries that we get to enjoy in calling America our home.

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