Monday, September 30, 2013

Counting Sheep


So, I once in awhile I like to post something that will make me feel like there is a little bit of substance in my blog, between all the lace and the tulle. I like to think I am not obsessive with fashion, so I throw in something that will show for this- like what I do with my personal life when I am not shooting outfits.These photos are from a few Sundays ago when we decided that our relaxing activity would be to take a drive out in the country. We pulled over on the side of the road and watched the sun go down on this little sheep farm. I love rustic and country sights like these. It makes my heart happy.

Micah and usually do an little activity together on Sunday. Whether that is to take a stroll through the golf course in our neighborhood, do a short hike at some park somewhere, or go for a scenic drive. I look forward to these mini adventures. It's so relaxing and helps us wind down for the upcoming hectic week. Sundays can be bittersweet because it's a hang loose kind of day but yet the upcoming week also looms on this day. But regardless, Sundays are just there to enjoy. I hope your week goes well!


1 comment:

  1. Aww, your photos are so cute :) Happy little moment as so great and don't be scare to look shallow because you always post about fashion/beauty I mean, That's alright if this is what your blog is about :) xx


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