Monday, February 18, 2013

La Ombre


I'm so thrilled to be back blogging again. Sorry for my absence! If you want to hear my excuses for my poor blogging performance: My photographer (a.k.a. husband) was very sick for a week. Then my in-laws came to visit and we took a little trip to Boone, NC(will post pics soon). I hope those are good enough excuses for you!
While I have been MIA, I put my hair through some abuse and dyed it 5 times in a course of less than a week! I still have hair on my head, thank goodness, although it is very fried and damaged hair. But I will take it rather than having no hair at all. I was attempting to do a light brown ombre but was not happy with the results all 5 times. Although, I am not completely happy with it's current state, I am gonna leave my hair alone and try the "no poo" method. Have you heard of it? It's a no shampoo way of washing hair using baking soda and vinegar. It supposedly does wonders for the hair including making hair alot healthier. It sounds gross in many ways, besides being named "no poo". But I think after what I have put my hair through, it's the least I can do to my chemically abused hair.
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